

Another End

Assalamu'alaikum. Hi!

(alvin is not in the picture)

We're about to end semester 4 in a few weeeks. Yeay! Yeay for holidays!

Seriously, as we get through another semester, it is getting tougher indeed. Busyness with IP's stuffs and assignments, and our life (so-called busy life), well time needs to be managed always. 

So, as we passed our LGA3103 exam last Saturday, we are now waiting to face three more exam papers. Since our minor (elective 2) is Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT3117), we are kind of lucky as we did not have any exam for this component this semester. It was all based on our project.

So, the papers that we are going to sit in about a week are :

EDU3105 - Educational Technology on 7th November 2013

TSL3107 - Teaching Writing Skill in the Primary ESL Classroom on 9th November 2013

TSL3108 - Teaching Grammar in the Primary ESL Classroom on 10th November 2013

Well, that's all for this semester. We aren't sure if we could update more this upcoming holidays. No promises! We'll see. Bye semester 4!

1st Iftar of 2013

Wednesday. 17th July 2013.

Hi there!

Its the new semester. Brand new semester 4! Well, right after we went back from Ba'kelalan, which you can refer about it HERE, we started classes and lectures as usual. As time passed by, its July and the fasting month is here! Its Ramadhan! Thus, our class has decided to have iftar (break fast) together for every week consecutively. Starting from this date (up there). The first place that we went was Steamboat Futsal. The place is not that far from Pekan Keningau, its a bit far from our IPG. Well, let the pictures speak the moments! 

Though there were few of us who did not made it here this time, hope that there will be next time for all of us to hang out together like this, again. 

Coming soon : 2nd Iftar of 2013.

'Till next time! ^^

Its Holidays!

Hi there!

We're in holidays mood as we went back right a day after the exam ended which was on 21st May 2013. After a straight hectic days of exams on 13th, 14th, 15th and lastly on 20th May, we finally managed to get through the days and start our holidays freely! Yeay!

Let's recall the exam dates :
13th May 2013 : 
Behavioural and Classroom Management (EDU3104)

14th May 2013 : 
Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL3105)

15th May 2013 : 
Songs and Poetry (LGA3102)
Teaching Reading Skill and Vocabulary in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL3106)

20th May 2013 : 
Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT3117)

Well, there will be no updates after this until the new semester reopens. Till we meet again in three weeks time. Bye Semester 3! ^^

Stay well and healthy dear teslians Group 2! See you guys in semester 4! Have fun during holidays! :)

P/s : May all of us pass the exams with flying colours! Amiin..

Mr and Mrs A


Since its March, so we finally get some ideas to update what are we doing here right now. Well, for IPG students, its the time we've met with Mr and Mrs A. Who they are? The ASSIGNMENTS! 

Its been about few weeks since we last received those assignments and most of them are Projects. Yes, projects. Few of them are courseworks. For that, we are going to list the components and dates for those assignments. Have a look!

EDU3104 (8th March 2013)
WAJ3106 (11th March 2013)
TSL3105 & TSL3106 (18th March 2013)
WAJ3117 (22th March 2013)
LGA3102 (3rd April 2013)

tik tok, tik tok. time flies fast. its about to 'keep moving' on with the assignments. til the next updates k! Thanks for reading! ^^

The Story of January

Hi there!

Its been about a month since we last updated this blog. Well, kind of busy with lots of things. Huhu. But still, we managed to get some time to at least shared what have we been through for this whole month.

First of all, we did some changes to our class such as changing the seating arrangement, a little changes in our learning environment. Though we did not take any photos of the previous arrangement (we forgot about that), but still we felt happy and comfortable with these changes. Well, have a look! 

P/s : ignore those messy things in this pictures. ^^

Recently, we took photos of us for this semester. Well, its kind of a routine for each semester. Photography session is the moment where we just being who we are and shows our craziness. Believe it or not, we did. Let the pictures speak a thousand words.

"A bond is not formed by the amount of time two people spend together, but rather by the experiences shared."

Thanks for the moments dear friends. ^^

Hi, semester 3!

2nd Day of Lecture a.k.a. 1st Official Day of Lecture

Its a fresh, new and awesome kick off of the new semester. Yes, semester 3 in 2013! Alhamdulillah, we made it this far. As usual, on the first day, we renew the committee members of our class organization. Well, here they are!

Class Monitor : 
Colyn Eylvera George

Assistant : 
Padli Sani

Secretary : 
Nelly Theresia William Norman

Treasurer : 
Shammey Tey

Head of Cleanliness : 
Munasriyah Suratman

Head of Creativity and Cheerful : 
Norhidayu Rosman

Runners :

TSL 3105 : Jerome Law Sheng Yi
TSL 3106 : Nur Ain Junian
LGA 3102 : Syed Mohd Farhan Syed Roseli
EDU 3104 : Mohd Farid Nanang
WAJ 3106 : Kong Ming Siang
WAJ 3117 : Nurul Amni Isnirur

For this semester, our first elective will be Songs and Poetry for Young Learners (LGA 3102) meanwhile our second elective will be Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (WAJ 3117). For UBF (WAJ 3110), we have been divided into two main units which are Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS) and Scouts.

The components that we are going to study for this semester are as follows :

Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL 3105) 

Teaching Reading Skill and Vocabulary in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL 3106) 

Songs and Poetry for Young Learners (LGA 3102) 

Classroom Management (EDU 3104) 

Hubungan Etnik (WAJ 3106)

Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (WAJ 3117)

Kokurikulum Badan Unit Beruniform (WAJ 3110)

Hope that this semester will bring us joy and happiness in studying these components. Til then, see you again!

P/s : 

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." 
(Henri Bergson)