

The Story of January

Hi there!

Its been about a month since we last updated this blog. Well, kind of busy with lots of things. Huhu. But still, we managed to get some time to at least shared what have we been through for this whole month.

First of all, we did some changes to our class such as changing the seating arrangement, a little changes in our learning environment. Though we did not take any photos of the previous arrangement (we forgot about that), but still we felt happy and comfortable with these changes. Well, have a look! 

P/s : ignore those messy things in this pictures. ^^

Recently, we took photos of us for this semester. Well, its kind of a routine for each semester. Photography session is the moment where we just being who we are and shows our craziness. Believe it or not, we did. Let the pictures speak a thousand words.

"A bond is not formed by the amount of time two people spend together, but rather by the experiences shared."

Thanks for the moments dear friends. ^^

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