

Hi, semester 3!

2nd Day of Lecture a.k.a. 1st Official Day of Lecture

Its a fresh, new and awesome kick off of the new semester. Yes, semester 3 in 2013! Alhamdulillah, we made it this far. As usual, on the first day, we renew the committee members of our class organization. Well, here they are!

Class Monitor : 
Colyn Eylvera George

Assistant : 
Padli Sani

Secretary : 
Nelly Theresia William Norman

Treasurer : 
Shammey Tey

Head of Cleanliness : 
Munasriyah Suratman

Head of Creativity and Cheerful : 
Norhidayu Rosman

Runners :

TSL 3105 : Jerome Law Sheng Yi
TSL 3106 : Nur Ain Junian
LGA 3102 : Syed Mohd Farhan Syed Roseli
EDU 3104 : Mohd Farid Nanang
WAJ 3106 : Kong Ming Siang
WAJ 3117 : Nurul Amni Isnirur

For this semester, our first elective will be Songs and Poetry for Young Learners (LGA 3102) meanwhile our second elective will be Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (WAJ 3117). For UBF (WAJ 3110), we have been divided into two main units which are Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS) and Scouts.

The components that we are going to study for this semester are as follows :

Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL 3105) 

Teaching Reading Skill and Vocabulary in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL 3106) 

Songs and Poetry for Young Learners (LGA 3102) 

Classroom Management (EDU 3104) 

Hubungan Etnik (WAJ 3106)

Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (WAJ 3117)

Kokurikulum Badan Unit Beruniform (WAJ 3110)

Hope that this semester will bring us joy and happiness in studying these components. Til then, see you again!

P/s : 

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." 
(Henri Bergson)

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