

Its Holidays!

Hi there!

We're in holidays mood as we went back right a day after the exam ended which was on 21st May 2013. After a straight hectic days of exams on 13th, 14th, 15th and lastly on 20th May, we finally managed to get through the days and start our holidays freely! Yeay!

Let's recall the exam dates :
13th May 2013 : 
Behavioural and Classroom Management (EDU3104)

14th May 2013 : 
Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL3105)

15th May 2013 : 
Songs and Poetry (LGA3102)
Teaching Reading Skill and Vocabulary in the Primary ESL Classroom (TSL3106)

20th May 2013 : 
Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT3117)

Well, there will be no updates after this until the new semester reopens. Till we meet again in three weeks time. Bye Semester 3! ^^

Stay well and healthy dear teslians Group 2! See you guys in semester 4! Have fun during holidays! :)

P/s : May all of us pass the exams with flying colours! Amiin..

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