

1st Iftar of 2013

Wednesday. 17th July 2013.

Hi there!

Its the new semester. Brand new semester 4! Well, right after we went back from Ba'kelalan, which you can refer about it HERE, we started classes and lectures as usual. As time passed by, its July and the fasting month is here! Its Ramadhan! Thus, our class has decided to have iftar (break fast) together for every week consecutively. Starting from this date (up there). The first place that we went was Steamboat Futsal. The place is not that far from Pekan Keningau, its a bit far from our IPG. Well, let the pictures speak the moments! 

Though there were few of us who did not made it here this time, hope that there will be next time for all of us to hang out together like this, again. 

Coming soon : 2nd Iftar of 2013.

'Till next time! ^^

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