

Its the Fifth Year!

At this moment, all of us are busy to finish our report on the action research. Well, things are tough these days. Though we only have 4 subjects, the one and only subject without examination is the toughest one. These are the list of subjects that we have for this final semester :

Action Research - Methodology II (TSL3153)

Curriculum Studies (TSL3143)

Leadership and Profesionalism (EDU3083)

Teacher and Current Challenges (EDU3093)

Though these are the only subjects that we have, the main thing will be the seminar for our Action Research that will be held earlier than we expected. Three papers with exams and so many hours of lectures to finish the report. Final year filled with so many stuffs to do. Who thought that the road to final year was this tough? Try.

All the best Terians! :)

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