

Exam Mode On!

Hey there!

In less than 48 hours, we are going to start a 'war', well, so-called war. Its our final exam of this semester actually! Glad that the papers had being reduced to 2 papers only. Phewww~

These are the papers that we are going to sit on :

TSL3109 (Managing the ESL Primary Classroom) - 22nd May 2014

EDU3106 (Culture and Learning) - 19th May 2014

Break a leg guys! Since we are going to have a long holiday soon, have fun and see you guys again next semester! :)

P/s : We had a great time and lovable moments this semester where we did not posted any of it here. Some things are meant to be kept in heart, forever. Through ups and downs, hope that we will still be together as one. ^^

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