

English Carnival 2014 : Week 2 (Part 2)

Let's continue reading the second part of Week 2's event. Huh. feel like endless, aren't you? Well, the English Carnival is held for a month. So, like it or not, just read it. Have fun!

Another game that was held in the second week is Memory Quiz. This game was held on 11th February 2014 at TSSK Hall. With participations of 11 groups from different options, this game had been a success as the participants were enjoying the game whole-heartedly.

Here are some pictures of the event!

With that, let's see the list of the winners of this event! Congratulations!

Winners : 
Nurul Anisa bt Saparudin & Al-Faruqqi Zaini (PISMP TESL 1 Sem 5)

1st Runner Up : 
Haryanti Bolhassan & Mohamad Zulkifli Dahni (PISMP GSTT BM 1 Sem 2)

2nd Runner Up : 
Norainasafila, Siti Fuzhira

Next, another game was held on 16th February 2014 (Sunday) named as Rocking Man

This game was participated by 7 teams from different options. This game was conducted based on the Running Man variety show. Overall, this game was a success for everyone who participated it. Here is the list of the winners and some photos during the game was held. Well, congrats to all the winners & thank you for participating in this competition! ^^

Winner : 

1st Runner Up : 

2nd Runner Up : 
Boys+1Day (PISMP TESL Sem 3)

As always, we will end our post with our weekly bulletin. A limited edition bulletin as it will be out for about one or two more series! Let's read Le English Weekly Bulletin for Week 2's activities!

With that bulletin, now we have come to the end of another update of the English Carnival 2014. Another Wall of Fame has been displayed for the second week winners. Stay tuned for updates from us! Thanks for reading! :)

What's next :
    • updates on activities for Week 3
    • Le English Weekly Bulletin 4 (PDF Version)

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