

English Carnival 2014 : Introduction

Hello guys!

We are back with new updates on our latest activities after a very long time being quiet around here. Well, too busy with this new activity that will be held for a month. It is the English Carnival 2014! This carnival will be conducted by our class (PISMP TESL Group 2 Semester 5) and will be held from 4th to 27th February 2014. 

Since we kind of a bit late on updating the news about it, we just passed the second week of the English Carnival (today is the last day of the second week). So, we would like to highlight some activities that had been held for the past two weeks in our upcoming blog post due to there are a lot of things to be written here. Yes, we meant a lot!

In conjunction with the English Carnival, we had set up an English Booth since the first week of this carnival. Many things had been sold such as accessories, desserts and keychains. Do visit our booth daily at 9.30 a.m. You may join the daily games that we had prepared too as well as get a chance to win!

Lastly, we were very glad and we do appreciate everyone who had supported us by joining all kinds of games that we have prepared. Thanks a lot from Terian Crew! 

Well, we'll see again in the upcoming updates about English Carnival 2014. Let's Rock with English! ^^

What's next :
  • updates on Spell Buster activity
  • updates Interactive Games activity
  • Le English Weekly Bulletin (PDF version)

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