

Photography Session - Semester 2

Assalamualaikum. Hi!

On 23rd July 2012, our class had make a photography session in class. the theme of the day was purple. so, most of us were wearing purple attire that day and with the help of our coursemate, Hasliana from TESL 1, we managed to have beautiful pictures of us for this semester. Well, as in the proverb, Pictures speaks a thousand words!

On the next day, during Literasi Bahasa Melayu's presentation which needs us to be at the field for locomotor activities, we also gathered once again at an awesome hidden place around the IPG to take class pictures again. well, again, let the pictures speaks a thousand words!

P/s : I love pictures...because the best thing about them is that, they never change, ... even when the people in it does...

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