

I Can And I Can't

Never think, "I can't do it."

It will create a mind set.

When your mind has been set with the word can't, your action will be affected by it.

Just like Facebook's setting, where you can publish photos of yourself to the public.

Once you set it to be private, no one can see it except you. People can't see it anymore.

It's one of the options we could take.

The same with our mind.

We actually can do anything.

But the option is up to us, whether we want to choose can or can't.

Have you forgotten, the times when we were able to complete a month's job in just a few hours?

We always said that our assignment was very tough.

Most of us used to think that we can't do it and chose to procrastinate.

But only few able to think they can finish it and chose to start doing it right away.

And in the end, everyone still manage to complete the 'hell-job'.

It's a proof, that all of us actually can do it despite the hardship faced.

The only problem is with our mind.

We tend to set our thinking to the negative side.

We often decides that we are weak, feeding the unconfident inside us.

So guys, lets throw away our lack-of-confidence-type of thinking.

Lets change "I can't do it" into "Yes, I can".

Who knows, our new mind set could greatly help improving our performance?

Well, it's still up to you guys though.

The question now, can you do it? :)

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