

Welcome 2012


My first entry for this special blog.

What's new on 2012?

Well, new style, new determination, new time table, new lecturer, new subjects? Hehe. Maybe.

After struggling hard for one and a half year, the path of becoming an excellent teacher has changed. No more foundation nor honeymoon nor even simple task and assignment. It's all about degree, yet there are many obstacles in front of us.

Tough tasks and assignment, SBE, BIG P1, UAK (ujian akhir kursus), new components, and the final exam for each semester.

However, the highlight for new intake of degree definitely...allowance of RM3K!!! (Yeah!!!)

That's the highlight. However, make sure you know how to manage your financial or else you might be eating maggie for the whole semester. Hehe, be wise people.

The road seems tough, however, the tougher the path of success, it's even more interesting and enjoyable journey.

Let's just pray to God so that we can fight and get through every obstacles in front of us.

We are becoming adult, from 19 to 20, 20 to 21. Less play, more what I should write, but, enjoy playing, study smart and seriously. Kehkehkeh.

Welcome 2012, don't worry about 21/12/2012. The possibility is 1/10000000000, it might happen, but we cannot be 100% sure that it will happen, since it's the knowledge of The Almighty. Let's just be prepared. Hehe.

As for conclusion, manage wisely our allowance and enjoy the first semester of degree. Tough is tough, but we can do it. Seriously.

Exam result..............................

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