

Funny stories can make for not just interesting read but can also be narrated to friends and family where all can have a hearty laugh... Read This....

One day, a CEO of a company threw a party for his executives at his mansion. At the back of the mansion, the CEO had a large swimming pool anyone had ever seen. The pool was, however, filled with hungry alligators. The CEO told his executives "I think an employee should be measured by courage. Today I am what I am because of my courage and this is what has made me a CEO. So this is a challenge to all of you present here: Who has the courage to dive into this pool, swim through these alligators, and make it to the other side? The one who will do it will win anything they desire - money, property, jewels, anything!"
All the employees laughed at the outrageous offer and proceeded to follow the CEO. Suddenly, they heard a loud splash. Everyone turned around and saw that the HR manager was in the pool, swimming for his life. He dodged the alligators left and right and made it to the edge of the pool. He pulled himself out just as a huge alligator was about to snap at his shoes. The flabbergasted CEO said, "You are amazing. I've never seen anything like this in my life. You are brave and surely beyond measure and I will give you anything you want. Tell me what I can do for you. The manager panted for breath, looked up and said, “Can you tell me who pushed me in the pool?"

And here is one more:
Mohan, Sam and Rahul were at a wedding celebration together and were sharing a large room on the top of a 90 story sky scraper. After a long day of celebrations they were shocked to hear that the elevators in their hotel were out of order and they would have to climb up 80 flights of stairs to get to their room. They were thinking what to do just when Sam said to Rahul “We can do this.
Remember our new motto “Yes we can.” Mohan Said “Yes, we can. Let's talk continuously till we reach our room.” To which Sam said “We can concentrate on something interesting and climb.” Rahul agreed and suggested “I can tell jokes for 30 flights, and Sam can sing songs for 30 flights since he is so good at it, and Mohan you can tell sad stories for the rest 30 floors. And as it went, at the 30th floor, Rahul finished his jokes and Sam began to sing. At the 60th floor Sam stopped singing and Mohan began to tell sad stories. "I will tell my saddest story first," he said. Rahul and Sam tried to concentrate and listen "I left the room keys in the car!" 

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