


This is the only picture of them together..To them, good luck and again,congratulations!!
The second good news of the day!! Two of our friends are going to Putrajaya for the PNB quiz! 4 were selected to go and among them are Winfred Ronn & Munasriyah! Congratulation to them & don't forget to bring home some souvenirs huh?hehe~


This is my first time posting for our class blog. Amni might had been witching me up because I am suddenly eager to post this today..hee~:3 Everyone was whaling in happiness when Patima a.k.a Tim-tim announced that the English Studies presentation will be postponed to next week! To those who are done, yes, it feels like a hundred stabs on the heart and a poke in the eye as some of us slept less than an hour last night but to those who haven't started, its good news to the poor!
Noted: More works are on the way dear friends! Pack it up and start sprinting!


Second Wave ASSIGNMENT+Mini-Exhibition+Projects !!!!





Funny stories can make for not just interesting read but can also be narrated to friends and family where all can have a hearty laugh... Read This....

One day, a CEO of a company threw a party for his executives at his mansion. At the back of the mansion, the CEO had a large swimming pool anyone had ever seen. The pool was, however, filled with hungry alligators. The CEO told his executives "I think an employee should be measured by courage. Today I am what I am because of my courage and this is what has made me a CEO. So this is a challenge to all of you present here: Who has the courage to dive into this pool, swim through these alligators, and make it to the other side? The one who will do it will win anything they desire - money, property, jewels, anything!"
All the employees laughed at the outrageous offer and proceeded to follow the CEO. Suddenly, they heard a loud splash. Everyone turned around and saw that the HR manager was in the pool, swimming for his life. He dodged the alligators left and right and made it to the edge of the pool. He pulled himself out just as a huge alligator was about to snap at his shoes. The flabbergasted CEO said, "You are amazing. I've never seen anything like this in my life. You are brave and surely beyond measure and I will give you anything you want. Tell me what I can do for you. The manager panted for breath, looked up and said, “Can you tell me who pushed me in the pool?"

And here is one more:
Mohan, Sam and Rahul were at a wedding celebration together and were sharing a large room on the top of a 90 story sky scraper. After a long day of celebrations they were shocked to hear that the elevators in their hotel were out of order and they would have to climb up 80 flights of stairs to get to their room. They were thinking what to do just when Sam said to Rahul “We can do this.
Remember our new motto “Yes we can.” Mohan Said “Yes, we can. Let's talk continuously till we reach our room.” To which Sam said “We can concentrate on something interesting and climb.” Rahul agreed and suggested “I can tell jokes for 30 flights, and Sam can sing songs for 30 flights since he is so good at it, and Mohan you can tell sad stories for the rest 30 floors. And as it went, at the 30th floor, Rahul finished his jokes and Sam began to sing. At the 60th floor Sam stopped singing and Mohan began to tell sad stories. "I will tell my saddest story first," he said. Rahul and Sam tried to concentrate and listen "I left the room keys in the car!" 

Funny Stories - Just follow the Tracks

Just follow the Tracks

Once, 3 men lost their way and got stranded in the middle of the forest. They didn’t know where they were and hence they decide that they will stay in the forest for some days until they find their way. So the next morning, one man went in search of some food. After many hours, he came back with a deer over his shoulder. The other two men were surprised to find how he got a deer with no weapons over which the man replied, “I find tracks, I follow tracks, and I got a deer". They both were slightly confused but decided to ignore and began to eat. A week later the second guy went in search of food and came back with an elk over his shoulder. The other two asked him how he managed to get the elk. He simply replied, "I find tracks, I follow tracks, and I got an elk". Now it was the turn of the third guy. He thought to himself “I'm going to get a better animal.” So the guy left but he did not return for a long time. Finally, after long hours of waiting, they saw him coming back. His clothes were torn with scrapes and bruises all over his body. He was bleeding. They asked him, “What happened?". He looked at them and replied, “I find tracks, I follow tracks, and I got hit by a train".

AidilFitri 2010

hello everyone.....
admin team would like to wish "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...Maaf Zahir dan Batin" to all muslim that celebrate this occasion.....we would like to apologise to you all for our mistakes since we have been in this IPGM Kampus Keningau. we know that as new students here..we still have to learn more about the place, atmosphere, and people in this IPGM Kampus Keningau. for our TeSLians Seniors 2010, we would like to have a gathering with you all in this Syawal month.. =) also with the tutor for the three TeSL classes.
for our course coordinater...Mr. John Roy Chako..( ^_^ ): Happy Raya Day, Mr. John... we love you, Mr. John. TeSL Group 2's tutor: Madam Nora ( ^.^ ) Happy Raya Day, Mummy Nora... we love and miss you so much... TeSL Group 1's tutor: Mr. Gordian ( ^_^' ): Happy Raya Day, Uncle Gordie... we love and miss you and you poem damn much... ( ^.^ )

~ HAPPY RAYA DAY EVERYONE....DON'T FORGET TO BRING SOME KUIH RAYA (attention to TeSL G2: Amerzan, Faiz, Azizi, Nordin, Farid, Padli, Alter, Sis Azie, Sis Bell, Sis Lala, Ain, Hidayu, Zila, Idah, Sri, Tim2, and Amni, THIS COMING LECTURE DAY..kehkehkeh..... Don't Forget guys....We wait for your kuih raya.

How To Promote Effective Research and Reading Strategies

* Target Research and Active Reading and The Reflexive Student

Students at British Universities have the opportunity to plug into the best research in the world and to emerge from undergraduate study with cutting-edge knowledge, skills and aptitude that they can take with them into the world of work or further formal study. But given the complex nature of HE with students have to get to grips and given that our universities lecturers are typically not teachers but rather researchers who may teach well, adopting targeted research and active reading strategies may be a very useful way to start developing as an active, reflexive student. Reflexivity in the student is of paramount importance not just to obtain good grades but also to foster the conscious development of a graduate identity (Holmes, 2001). This does require the student to be critical not only of the course material but also of themselves. This is a difficult task for any student, but for the non-traditional student this can be more threatening. Within our HE system the non-traditional student often feels more criticised than criticising, and hence feels poorly placed to critique the material with which we expect them to engage.

* Research In A Changing Assessment Environment

Students today are assessed across a broader range of skills and knowledge than ever before. Presentations, group work, reports, journal, articles, reflective logs or diaries, portfolios, etc., are some but not all that a student will be assessed upon. For the student who is chasing a good degree, or is just trying to stay sane and not fail, these tasks are daunting. Although tutors now typically reveal assessment criteria, individual lecturers may assess differently: where one will give a pass mark another will fail, where one will give 2:1 another may give a 2:2 or even a third. With many students in paid employment and student debt accruing, obtaining a high quality degree is important, while to fail is demoralising - tore-sit expensive. Moreover, one bad mark in one assignment can drag down a whole degree once that mark has been aggregated. Further, not only does success have to be achieved in 12-week modules, students may at the same time be getting to grips with HE orientation while struggling with the knowledge content of their study programmes.

The New Creature Of Foundation TeSLians Jun 2010 Intake

hallu everyone..
hehe....this is my first post to our blog...
hope you guys will help me to update our beloved blog keyh...^^