

Another End

Assalamu'alaikum. Hi!

(alvin is not in the picture)

We're about to end semester 4 in a few weeeks. Yeay! Yeay for holidays!

Seriously, as we get through another semester, it is getting tougher indeed. Busyness with IP's stuffs and assignments, and our life (so-called busy life), well time needs to be managed always. 

So, as we passed our LGA3103 exam last Saturday, we are now waiting to face three more exam papers. Since our minor (elective 2) is Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT3117), we are kind of lucky as we did not have any exam for this component this semester. It was all based on our project.

So, the papers that we are going to sit in about a week are :

EDU3105 - Educational Technology on 7th November 2013

TSL3107 - Teaching Writing Skill in the Primary ESL Classroom on 9th November 2013

TSL3108 - Teaching Grammar in the Primary ESL Classroom on 10th November 2013

Well, that's all for this semester. We aren't sure if we could update more this upcoming holidays. No promises! We'll see. Bye semester 4!