

#1 Short Quizzes - Answers

Assalamualaikum. Hi! Hello there! 

Sorry for late updating the post regarding the answers for the #1 Short Quizzes.
As we have promises to all the readers, we are going to reveal the answers for the short quizzes that we have given you two days ago. You can refer to the previous post for the questions of the short quizzes or else you can click the picture below :

Answers :

1) Letter V

2) Onion

3) Clock

4) Umbrella

5) Human (from a baby to an adult and to an old man)

P/s : Thanks for drop by and we will come back with #2 Short Quizzes soon!

#1 Short Quizzes!

Hi there! As we flashback our memories during English Language Camp last year, one of our classmates found the quizzes that we used during the Info-Hunt activity. So, we would like to share one of it. Good luck on answering these! ^^

Questions :

1) What is the center of gravity?

2) Take off my skin and I won't cry, but you will. What am I?

3) I have a face, two arms and two hands, yet I can not move. I count to twelve, yet I can not speak. I can still tell you something everyday.

4) What goes up when the rain comes down?

5) What starts out on 4 legs, then goes to 2, then 3?

P/s : The answers will be reveal on the next post. Keep on track with us, k! ^^

History of the Headers

Its been a while since we ended our SBE which was last week. lots of stories were shared by classmates throughout this semester's SBE. for sure, it was memorable enough for all of us!

tik tok, tik tok!

its the time to restart the weeks. Yes, busy weeks with a lot of assignments for sure. though so, we try our best to keep updating this blog. Can you see any changes? YES! We had recreating and redesign our blog's header. yes, it seems quite matured and funky look. (is it?)

So, these are the headers that we used for this blog until the latest one. Have a look, guys!

P/s : its about midnight. Time to finish the assignments. Til we meet again!