

Guys,Check This Out!!!

Hey guys..
check tis out..
our t shirt just arrived...
refer to Da-U

our t shirt was black+red in color...
as we asked for
really nice..hehe

now is the time to buy our batik class...
for your information,

each person should stand by:

boy = RM 25
girl = RM 45

*just in case for emergency k..

oh yeah,
for information also
the shirt and the class's batik
must pay once we get our allowance!!

t shirt = RM 35
batik = RM 25 (boy)
RM 45 (girl)

boy = RM 60
girl = RM 80

remind yourself okay..
if you want these stuff..
make sure you pay..

don't talk bad behind if you have something to say about this..
okay guys??

we're already stepped in adult zone..
act as an adult...
no childish here...

*adult here means matured
read my word...

no offence okay..
everyone has their own right..
till then..
c ya..

have a nice day... ^_^

Quiz of the day!

Try these out!!!
Countable and Uncountable nouns~

The word of the day

deep - adjective -


going far down; a long way from top to bottom

Example Sentences

The water is very deep at that end of the lake.
His understanding of the subject is very deep.

Finally..Our Class's Choice

take a long time to decide our class's colour...
we choose red+black in color before..
when we can't find the gorgeous+suitable design with our taste

we look for another color...
n then...
we had choose this color....

check this out...
Our Class's "Batik"

hope this is the final...

can't wait to have our own class's "Batik"
that must be nice...
hope so...
till then...
I'll update our blog again...
depends on our current issues okay...


Check this out~

CLICK HERE to view the news letter & simply key in your email address to get free news letters from ESL~

Good Luck Seniors...^_^

Today entry is about our seniors... we all know, their exam will come up soon...
uu~~ a little scared when we(juniors) heard of that.
*because we still in foundation sem. 1...still have another 2 semesters to go...^_^*
what an interesting journey to go through

ok..lets continue,
this is their first time to sit the exam for foundation course...
(they are the first TESL batch in IPG Kampus Keningau...really proud of them..^_^)
so, thats mean we(juniors) are second batch...^_~

their exam will start on 1st November 2010


01 NOV 2010
(2 Hours)
-PI 1351 P(R)-

02 NOV 2010
(3 Hours)
-PI 1352 P(R)-

09 NOV 2010
(3 Hours)
-PI 1353 P(R)-

10 NOV 2010
(3 Hours)
-PI 1354 P(R)-

we(juniors) would like to wish our seniors "The Best Luck" and "Do Your Best Seniors"..
we will pray for your success in your coming final exam
we hope that you can through the exam with calm


Our Class Member...

PISMP Foundation TeSL Group 2 Community

Original Version Before Adding Our Name~

Members Of Group 2 TeSL

These Picture show the member of our class.
Sorry because we late to upload our member's picture.
Need to do it slowly
Got another important things to finished(assignment+portfolio+project+exhibition)
But now...we will try to update our blog with the latest news
that happened in our class+batch...
till then...see ya'

p/s: soon, our blog will create new community of our blog...that also include the administer, editor, etc... well hope everything gonna be okay... ^^

Check this out! Shared by Annette Shizu~Their newsletters are great!

Tip of the Day: 1 Expressing Age
Kenneth Beare
From Kenneth Beare, your Guide to English as 2nd Language

Expressing Age

We use the verb "to be" to express age in English. There are two possibilities: He is eight. OR He is eight years old.

Example Sentences

Tom is twenty-two.
My brother is thirty-six years old.

Quiz of the Day - Adjective Order Quiz

Test your knowledge of using more than one adjective to describe a noun (i.e., an interesting old English book).

English Worksheet of the Day - Begin a New ESL Class

Steps students should take before they begin a new ESL class to ensure they get the most out of class from the very beginning.

Tomorrow's English Tip

This email is written by:
Kenneth Beare
English as 2nd Language Guide
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Writing In An Appropriate Style - Edition 3

Using Objective Writing

Most assignments require you to demonstrate academic objectivity and well argued approach to a subject matter, rather than an unthinking acceptance of it.

There are a number of ways to achieve this. Most importantly, throughout your studies you will develop your ability both to argue for something rigorously to and provide evidence for your argument. however, some simple language use can also demonstrate a measured and objective approach. For example, avoiding the first person (except in reflective aspects of an assignment, mentioned above) and by using 'hedging' language (see below).

First Person/Third Person

Check your course materials to see if you are asked to use the third or if you are allowed to use the first person.

Using the first person means writing: 'I think that ...', 'My opinion is that ...' . If the assignment is asking you for your reflective opinion on a subject, using the first person is okay. However, many essay-style assignments require you to avoid the first person and use the third person instead: 'He argues that ...', 'Smith's book overturned previous ideas on ...'.

Hedging Language

Hedging language means cautions language. So, rather than saying 'Parents have a greater influence over children's desire to... it might be preferable to say 'it can be argued that parents have a greater influence ...'.

Passive Language

Passive language is often used in discursive, essay-style assignments and active language is more often used in report-style assignments. However, that is not a hard and fast truth and you will find opportunities to swop between the two in either type of assignment.

  • Passive language de-personalises the writing by allowing you to avoid personal pronouns and, if you don't know who is performing the action (i.e. who the subject of the sentence is), passive language allows you to avoid mentioning the 'who':"The seed pods were counted" instead of "I/We (sub) counted the seed pods"
  • Passive language places the emphasis upon the result of an action rather than who is performing the action (the 'subject' of the sentences):"Children are more likely to hit their parents (sub) than their teachers" instead of "Parents (sub) are more likely to hit their children than are teachers".
  • Active language allows you to be very clear about who is performing the action (i.e. in grammatical terms, who is the 'subject' of the sentence): "I counted the seed pods". It is, therefore, useful in report-style assignments.

Writing In An Appropriate Style - Edition 2

Using Reflective Writing in Professional Subject Areas

Some assignments (for example, some within Health and Social Care) require students to use their professional judgement to make an informed subjectives comment. You might be asked to provide your own reflections and opinion on a subject. However, even though you are being asked for your subjectives response to the topic, you will still be expected to provide evidence to support your position.

Self-reflective language
On many courses you may find that a part of your assignment is devoted to self-reflection and your own view of how you've develop during your studies ( a little like a learning-progress diary). The language you use in these self-reflective parts of an assignment will be different from that in the straight-forward academic part of assignment. You are expected to use the first person (e.g. 'I think that', 'My analysis is') and you may well be encouraged to give your subjective feelings about your progress.

Writing In An Appropriate Style - Edition 1

Use The Appropriate Writing Style

different academic subjects will demand different styles of writing from you. for example, some subjects require you to use the third person ('Smith argues that ...', or He said ...') and to achieve a certain amount of distance from the arguments you are writing about. Other subjects expect the first person ( 'I placed the seeds in full daylight ...'), for example, in the in the reports that you might write for a science or technology subject.

however, despite the differences, you will always be expected to use evidence and justification to back up what you write, rather than simply using your personal opinion. look at your course materials for guidance on what kind of style you are expected to use in your assignments.

when you write an academic assignment, you should aim to

  • Use your own words. When you draw upon the ideas you have come across in your course, you should reformulate the words that the original authors wrote. In using your own words to express the argument, you avoid plagiarising  other people's work and you improve your understanding of what is being said.
  • Support your arguments. In all types of assignment (other than creative writing assignment) you will be expected to write in a vigorously argued way. This means, rather than simply saying what your opinion is without explanation, you must give evidence and reasons that indicate how you've come to that conclusion or opinion.

English week-Closing

Holy Halo~Our class acapela team!2nd runner up of acapela


Ronald James-2nd runner up(story telling)
Our tutor,Mdm Nora was also there to support us!:)
Syed Farhan-1st runner up(STORY TELLING)
Lucky draws!

Prisca Susella-The winner(POEM)
Amer and Nelly
Sylvester from TESL group 1-1st runner up(POEM)
The rhythmatic
Friends of TESL Group 1
Nelly, our talented guitarist
Our handsome Seniors
Dimitri Elmer-2nd runner up (POEM)

Miss Mavis~
The MCs~
Alter for the prayers~

The KPLIs performed a choir engaging on the 1Malaysia theme & a few of them wore different outfits of different culture~
The "fire crackers" gimmick

After a week, English week finally comes to an end. The whole week was great. Congratulations to the KPLIs and Kudos to our course mates for participating in most of the competitions. Most of the hampers were booked by TESLians and we are proud of that. Here are some pictures taken on the day.